January 14, 2011

A new endeavor!

Just to get you up to speed, I'll offer up a brief snapshot of my life back at the end of 2010:

I'm 45 years old. I'm married to a wonderful, supportive Hubby. I work full time. I play percussion quite well and have since I was in 5th grade. I have a very socially active 10 year old Child and a psycho pet Kitteh. I have some hobbies I really enjoy, but not as many as when I was younger and single and had more free time. As far as my minimal amount of hobbies are concerned, I've been feeling lately like I want to try something new. What though? Oh! I know! I should take up a new musical instrument. That seems like a totally sane and sensible new hobby to undertake at my age and phase in life considering I'm not, like, BUSY or anything.

Even for a Libra, I tend to go with my gut and make decisions quickly. Done.

Shortly after I made the decision to take up a new instrument, hubby and I decided (rather impulsively, I might add) to buy an electric bass guitar over the course of the Black Friday weekend. Our bass of choice turned out to be a dark blue Ibanez. It's not top of the line by any means, but it was on sale, and it works, and it's also super purty. I'm a woman. Purty matters. I've always had a fantasy in my head of being a kick ass rock/pop/funk bass guitarist. I imagine that Geddy Lee of Rush, Verdeen White of Earth Wind and Fire, and Mark King of Level 42 get together and make a bass baby, and by golly, in my head I picture that bass baby is ME!

In mid December, I called the local music store and set up a series of lessons with their bass guitar instructor Jason. Then, it was 2011. A new year, a new endeavor! When the big day of my first lesson finally came on 1/6/11, I was feeling excited but nervous. In short, this is what I believe I may have looked like right before going in to meet Jason:

The rest is, or will be history. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture. I feel like that every time I hold the bass in front of anybody. Sad!
